Friday, 31 October 2008

Pescuiala de Bicaz ! Episodul unu!

Daca nu-l cunosteti , ar trebui macar sa-i faceti o vizita ! Lacul Bicaz sau cel mai mare lac de acumulare din Romania gazduieste in apele sale o varitate de pesti : pastrav , biban , platica ,scobar , clean si alte neamuri care te imbie sa-i faci o vizita rapida asa cum i-am facut noi , eu si bunul meu prieten Adi who is rocking the light in our fishing sessions!
Frumusetea unei reprize de pescuit pentru mine nu poate fi decat "activitatea pestico -erotica " , mai precis un loc frumos care sa-l captiveze atat pe pescarul si artistul din tine dar mai ales pe omul in nevoia sa de recreere! Zis si facut ! Am demarat cu batrana doamna Sparky ( o Dacie care "inca " mai traieste) si am ajuns in mirificul peisaj din zona Potoci la pastravaria care se afla in golfuletul de acolo!
Incet si perseverent am scos din apa cativa pastravei si bibanasi care au facut ca timpul sa treaca pe nesimtite si stresul cotidian sa dispara intr-o binemeritata relaxare!
Culoarea acestei sesiuni de pescuit a fost verdele pe care il purtam eu, il purta si fantanelul si bibanelul si coniferele de pe marginea golfului dar mai ales apa care ne-a fermecat cu linistea ei !
Distractia a fost pe masura peisajului si ganditi-va ca acesta este doar un loc din multele pe care le ofera Lacul Bicaz si pe care le-am descoperit de-a lungul vremii si continui sa le descoper cu o deosebita placere!
Dintre ele zona Hangu , zona Buhalnita , zona Baicu sau chiar zona barajului sunt alte frumoase repere pe care vi le recomand pentru o pescuiala recreativa !!!
Imaginea partidei de pescuit mi-a staruit in minte toata saptamana si am facut tot posibilul ca sa-mi acord o noua evadare in acelasi peisaj , de data asta insa si in compania lui Alexutu', baiatul lui Adi, care isi incepe din frageda pruncie aventura pestico-erotica , dar povestea asta o lasam pentru episodu' doi!

Fir intins wherever you are!!!

Empty words...

The calm line of the horizon melts into the water,
The bass is always hungry and the bait is shattered,
Strange how the cruel nature allows the fish to fail
Just for the man to have another bragging tail...

The silent fishy waters of our cunning minds
Give birth to predators of various evil kinds,
With colours of true value embrace your only friend
And you will see the rainbow , the wisdom of the end!

What doesnt have the fish and we treasure so much
Forgeting about the essence of a simple touch...?
The fish doesnt need "words" to swim its life away
Sometimes the words are not what we mean to say...

Friday, 24 October 2008

The Beginings of a Blog

Weapons are ready! The bait is set and so I start what is suposed to be my blog! My wife has one , my friend has one, so I have to have one !!! You realised by now that fishing is my biggest hobby so what you'll find in here is just my vision about fishing and life!
After this breef introduction I'm already bored by my own words so I'll let the pictures speak (made by my best friend Megaditzu).
It is an ordinary fishing session on the "Pig Lake" near Piatra Neamt ( a small catch ) but is nice for recreation!
The poetry of some Romanian places is extraordinary but unfortunately we don't respect it as we should! I can just lay in one of this places and forget about all the problems of a day ! But of course , nothing compares to the catch: it is the essence of this sport !
The "cacth and release" system is the right thing to do in the fisherman's world but the level of stupidity in some people is incredible so not all of my countryman release the fish (even the small ones)!
Jesus fed the poor with fish but that doesn't mean we should take "all the fish in the sea"!
I have a lot of stories about fishing but I don't want to bore you to death at the first date , so I'll take my first step in this blogging experience and wait to see what time will bring in my hungry mind!
Anyway thanks to my beloved wife Doreen for the technical support and to my friends Cris and Adi for their encouragement!